
Friday, May 29, 2015

How to Turn Your Chocolate Box into Jewelry Box

In love with chocolates and jewelry? Then why don’t you try to turn your empty chocolate boxes into a jewelry box. Be creative and try this wonderful DIY project by Pearls and Scissors.

DIY Jewelry Display Box



• 1 box of chocolates
• white paper
• wrapping paper
• acrylic paint and brush
• cardboard paper
• glue



• Step 1


First, cover the lid with regular white copy paper and paint the sides of the box with white acrylic paint.

• Step 2


Cover the chocolate box with beautiful wrapping paper. Make sure to start with the lid. Cover the back side and the lid in one piece. Leave enough space in the edges to be able to turn them back an inch or so.

• Step 3


Next step is to cover the sides. Cut a long enough strip of paper to cover all three sides, and made sure the width is enough to cover the inside sides of the box. Glue the paper on the sides first then fold the corners on the back side of the box, and glue the edges of the side strip to the back of the box. Cut the paper in the corners; fold both sides to get a nice and neat corner.

• Step 4


To cover the fourth inner side, cut another wide strip of paper that's the width of the box lid and the length needed to cover an inch of the lid, the sides and an inch of the bottom of the box. Then glue the paper on the other inner sides as well.

• Step 5


The last step is to cover the inside of the box, the inside of the lid and the backside of the box with cardboard paper. And tadaaah, you now have turned your empty chocolate box into a jewelry box. Add some designs or stickers of your choice to make it prettier.

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