
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Earth-Friendly Earring Display and Holders

Keeping jewelry safe is important if you want to maintain the integrity and sheen of your most precious pieces.  It is recommended that you have a depository of it whenever you do not use it.  Aside from keeping it safe and away from the prying eyes of other people, it will help maintain its look as if it was brand new.  Making it look that way would help make it last a lifetime.  It also helps prevent in getting scratch marks, which is a common occurrence if they are just mixed up together.  There are different kinds of earring display cases made of different materials.

Nowadays, it is a common idea to become a protector of the environment.  There are a lot of campaigns against using plastic and other synthetic materials.  The use of natural materials is being pushed in all sectors of the society.  If you prefer to go by this belief, there are a lot of ways to do so and getting yourself an earth-friendly earring display holder is possible.  You can buy it off the shelf or have one made.


Getting an earth-friendly earring holder and display case is a great idea because they are or have: 

  • More affordable: There are affordable pieces you can buy that are environment-friendly. They may not have the mechanisms usually found in synthetic jewelry cases but it does serve its purpose
  • A unique look: Using wood in making cases makes it unique and different from the others because of the wood grain that makes the pattern of the wood’s surface.  This is unique mark and different in every wood used.
  • Available in different materials: Since there are a lot of natural materials available that can be used to make a case, you have a lot of choices for it.  This will be beneficial to those who are looking for more stylish and one of a kind cases.
  • More fun shopping – Shopping for earth friendly cases makes the experience more fun because you can get to visit different shops and stalls and not just be limited to going to the mall to look for case.  Markets, thrift shops, and garage sales are just some of the places you can go to when looking for this unique piece of case.
Aside from buying it off the shelf, you can also organize a do-it-yourself activity with your friends.  You can even include the kids, as this can be a fun thing to do.  This is a great craft-time and bonding session you can hold in your home.

  • Collect the materials you can use – There are a lot of possible things you can use for this which can be found in your house.  Twigs, old boxes, scraps of paper and cloth and twine are just some of the materials you can use.
  • Reuse and Recycle – This is a great time to teach the kids the purpose of recycling things.  There are a lot of things that can be reused again so that we can limit the trash that we produce. 
  • Go creative – You can be as unique as you want in designing and making your own earring display case with the materials that you collected.
You can be earth friendly too even with the way you keep andprotect your jewelry.

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