
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Various Types of Gold Earrings

Jewelry is an important thing in a woman’s dresser.  These pieces are considered to be an integral part of their arsenal.  Be it a casual or formal event, each and every piece of jewelry worn has a purpose.  Women choose carefully the pieces that they wear when they go out.  These baubles usually reflect their current state of being as well as their personalities. There are a lot of types of jewelries but the most common pieces that you would often see in a woman’s jewelry box are pairs of earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces.  There would be others placed in earring display and other cases but the mentioned things are what you would see.

If you check, it is the earrings are the type that women prefer to collect. They are affordable and the varieties of styles available enable women to mix and match it with their current wardrobe. It is no wonder that women easily fill up earring display cases with their pairs of earrings.

Among the kinds of earrings, it is the one that is made of gold that attract women easily into buying the pair.  But before you go out and shop for your own pair, it is best to know that there are various types of gold available in the market.  This makes the varieties of gold earrings that you can choose from more varied. There would be no need to fret because each kind of gold metal is easy to distinguish.  You would easily know it just by looking at the color and sheen of the metal. This would be easier to do when the pairs are hanged on earring display cases.

The way gold achieves these different colors by mixing it with other metals.  The kind of metal added into the gold would spell the difference in the color of the gold metal.

White Gold  

 This is a mixture or an alloy of gold and some white colored metals. It is usually silver or palladium that is used in making this color of gold. To make it even look whiter, white gold is plated with rhodium, which is another metal, similar to platinum upon which it shares its properties. However, this metal does wear away, especially when the jewelry is worn often.  You would need to have it sent to the jeweler for another plating of rhodium. 

Yellow Gold  


This is the common variety of gold earring that you see.  This kind can easily be purchased because it is readily available.  The only thing that you would have to consider when getting this color is the karat. This color is usually achieved by mixing pure gold with copper and zinc.

Rose Gold  


This color is easy to spot.  It is easily distinguishable with the red sheen of the metal. This is the result of mixing copper with pure gold.  It is the copper that gives the metal its reddish hue. However, if you want a lighter rose color, you should opt for the one with 18 karats.

 The prices of the earrings on the earring display would vary depending on the kind of gold as well as the karats of the piece.  It would be best to know the karat of each piece so that you would be able to assess if the price of the pair is worth it.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Earth-Friendly Earring Display and Holders

Keeping jewelry safe is important if you want to maintain the integrity and sheen of your most precious pieces.  It is recommended that you have a depository of it whenever you do not use it.  Aside from keeping it safe and away from the prying eyes of other people, it will help maintain its look as if it was brand new.  Making it look that way would help make it last a lifetime.  It also helps prevent in getting scratch marks, which is a common occurrence if they are just mixed up together.  There are different kinds of earring display cases made of different materials.

Nowadays, it is a common idea to become a protector of the environment.  There are a lot of campaigns against using plastic and other synthetic materials.  The use of natural materials is being pushed in all sectors of the society.  If you prefer to go by this belief, there are a lot of ways to do so and getting yourself an earth-friendly earring display holder is possible.  You can buy it off the shelf or have one made.


Getting an earth-friendly earring holder and display case is a great idea because they are or have: 

  • More affordable: There are affordable pieces you can buy that are environment-friendly. They may not have the mechanisms usually found in synthetic jewelry cases but it does serve its purpose
  • A unique look: Using wood in making cases makes it unique and different from the others because of the wood grain that makes the pattern of the wood’s surface.  This is unique mark and different in every wood used.
  • Available in different materials: Since there are a lot of natural materials available that can be used to make a case, you have a lot of choices for it.  This will be beneficial to those who are looking for more stylish and one of a kind cases.
  • More fun shopping – Shopping for earth friendly cases makes the experience more fun because you can get to visit different shops and stalls and not just be limited to going to the mall to look for case.  Markets, thrift shops, and garage sales are just some of the places you can go to when looking for this unique piece of case.
Aside from buying it off the shelf, you can also organize a do-it-yourself activity with your friends.  You can even include the kids, as this can be a fun thing to do.  This is a great craft-time and bonding session you can hold in your home.

  • Collect the materials you can use – There are a lot of possible things you can use for this which can be found in your house.  Twigs, old boxes, scraps of paper and cloth and twine are just some of the materials you can use.
  • Reuse and Recycle – This is a great time to teach the kids the purpose of recycling things.  There are a lot of things that can be reused again so that we can limit the trash that we produce. 
  • Go creative – You can be as unique as you want in designing and making your own earring display case with the materials that you collected.
You can be earth friendly too even with the way you keep andprotect your jewelry.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jazzing Up Summer Attire With the Right Earrings

Jewelry is one thing that will definitely make women jump up with excitement and get their hearts beating fast.  The shiny thing placed in a box would surely send your woman’s heart skip a beat instantly.  The great thing about giving jewelry as a gift does not require a special occasion to do so.  It can be spontaneous making your significant other caught unaware.  A nice addition to her collection on the earring display case in the closet would be a great surprise gift. 

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Now that summer is here, a nice gift would be a pair to jazz up her summer wardrobe.  Just like with dresses, accessories should go with the current season.  Basic pieces such as earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings made of different materials signify the season that it is in.  For the summer, jewelry pieces found in earring display cases are usually made of different materials that are not commonly used for making jewelry.

This is the trademark of summer.  Most jewelry pieces are not made of the usual precious metals, which are commonly used when making jewelry.  Precious metals like Gold, Silver and Platinum take the back seat as the summer season rolls in.  People would prefer to wear something light to go with the outfits that are of summer fashion.

Some of the materials used for summer jewelry  

  • Plastic – colorful bangles and rings are staple pieces during the summer season.  The great thing about plastic is that it is light and it is colorful.  The splash of color is what the wearers love about jewelry made of plastic. 
  • Wood – This is also another summer staple.  Wooden bangles and earrings go best with the flowing designs of summer dresses.  Natural materials make the best accessories if you want to go for the hippie look, which is very popular during the summer season. Twine – Similar to wood, there are jewelry that are made of twine.  Bracelets and necklaces and even earring can be made using twine and other natural materials.
  • Natural materials – feathers, dried twigs and leaves can be used to make unique earrings too.  They are great for the summer because it pairs well with hippie look and flowing dresses which is typical of summer fashion.


Best earring designs that utilize these kinds of materials

  • Chandelier – There are a lot of chandelier earrings that are made of plastic.  Since it is a material that can be molded into different shapes and sizes, you can buy this kind of earring in different designs.  It can go from simple to funky designs, which will make your outfit stand out.
  • Long chain earrings - This design can be made unique with the use of feathers, twine and other natural materials. 

Summer is truly a fun time to dress up.  There are no restrictions as to the clothing because there is no need for you to be all wrapped up.  You can go wearing skimpy clothes along the beach and no one would care.  Jazzing up our outfit with the right pair of earrings from your collection in your earring display case is the one thing that you can do to make yourself stand out among the summer crowds.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Earrings for Kids

Having a baby girl is such a joy. Little girls are fun to dress up and accessorize.  It is like having your own living doll to play with.  However, when the time comes that she would be able to speak out her mind, expect that she will be asking for pierced ears.  There are debates as to what would be the perfect time for a girl’s ears to be pierced.  Those that are assigned to the earring display stands of the jewelry store would say that babies’ ears could already be pierced. Others say that it should be done when the kid is a bit older. 

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  No matter what age you decide to have your child’s ear pierced, there are various styles that you can choose from if you decide to make them wear earrings. You can take a look at the various jewelry stores and even in the earring display section of the department store.  There would be several designs and kinds that you can choose from.  Even the materials that the earrings are made of are already of various ones which gives you the flexibility to style your little darling!

However, choosing the kind of earring for your kid should be no laughing matter.  The kind of metal that the earring is made of should be considered.

Gold and Platinum – These are the most expensive among the precious metals available.  You can choose the karat depending on the budget.  18karats is the ideal level because of the value that it offers.

Silver or sterling silver – This is cheaper compared to gold.  However, you must make sure to get from a reputable store because there are those that claim to sell silver when it is just plated silver which can turn dark and loose its shine after several uses.

Plastic – This is one of the preferred materials because it is affordable. 

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 The next thing to consider would be the design.  Take note that it is kids that will be wearing the pair so better steer clear of those dangling and chandelier earrings.  It would make your kid look very mature for her age. 
Studs – This is the safest design to get your little girl.  A small plain gold stud or jeweled stud is a great pair to let your kid wear.  It would be nice to make her wear the stone that corresponds to her birth month.  Also, this is the safest because there would be no dangling thing that your little girl could grab.

Hoops – For older kids, this is a great style to wear.  It can be an introduction to the different styles available.

Styled Studs – This is the fun part in dressing up.  There are different designs of earrings that you can let your kid choose.  Butterflies, hearts, stars, flowers and bows are some of the more common designs that little girls usually choose. It would be fun to let your kid decide on what design she prefers.

A pair of earrings is a great gift to a little girl. For sure she will treasure it and place it on her earring display case.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Earrings to Suit Your Mood

 A pair of earrings is one of the must-haves in your jewelry arsenal.  A woman should have one of each kind just to be able to suit and mix with the clothing of choice.  Having earring display stand and racks  in one’s dresser is helpful especially when it takes a lot of effort to dress up.  There are people who prefer to try on several outfits when going out before deciding which one to wear. A lot of women are guilty of this.

Since time immemorial, people have been using earrings as an adornment they use for the body.  Women are pictured to have used these even before we had the luxury of cars and buildings.  Tribeswomen of old used this to attract men.  Even tribesmen are also pictured wearing a pair or two.  So it is not new to use earrings as a way to attract people to look at you.  Earring display is one of the things that people who visit jewelry shops tend to look at for a long time. The reason for this is because they would want to try out the pair before finally deciding which one to buy.

Your mood plays a big role in how you set up your outfit. How you feel while dressing up would show in the kinds of clothes that you choose to wear as well as the accessories that you prefer.  The great thing about having several pairs of earrings is that you can choose what design suits your mood.



These are perfect for those pensive moments that you want to be serious.  These are perfect pairs to wear when you want to project that you mean business.  This is great if you have a presentation or a meeting wherein a business deal should be closed.





Silver or gold hoops are great for a night out and if you want to paint the town read.  If you are feeling sultry and sexy, wearing this pair would definitely add to the sexiness that you are already exuding. Pair it with a really tight skirt and sexy top then you are on your way to have the fabulous time of your life.





A day out without thinking of dressing to impress people is a day for relaxing.  Weekends should always be like this so your chandelier earrings would be perfect for a carefree kind of day.  The feeling of having a stress free day is the best and thinking about the outfit that you should wear is the last thing on your mind. Wearing this kind of earring will definitely complete your outfit without being too pressured on looking good.

These three kinds of earrings are what you can usually see in earring display cases in jewelry stores. If you are thinking of buying one for your collection, it is better to try it on yourself to see if it fits your mood or personality.  It is not enough to bring the piece close to your earlobe and just placing it there while looking at the mirror.  By trying it on, you will see if the piece really suits you. Having different pairs is helpful in completing the outfit you wear for the day.