
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4 Most Common Mistakes Newbie Jewelry Sellers Make

We all know that the first few months are really crucial in the success or failure of a retail or wholesale jewelry business. It is when the true character and skills of a person is tested to survive the challenges of being an entrepreneur.

Image Credit: flickr

If you’re a newbie in this industry, or just planning to join the fun and challenging world of jewelry business, it’s important to identify the things that will define the future of your chosen career.

To give you an idea of what you should avoid doing, here’s a list of the most common mistakes jewelry seller’s make in the first few months of opening their business.

1.    Trying to please all customers

It is important to win the hearts of your customers. As a jewelry seller, your goal is to create or sell jewelry that will appeal to your customers but you should also know your limitations. Saying yes to all your customers’ demands will make you lose sight of personal brand and will sacrifice the needs of your other customers. Find a way to keep your buyers satisfied but also learn how to say no to unreasonable demands.

2.    Targeting too many different types of customers

With all the jewelry stores emerging in the market today it is important to know what type of customer will fit the jewelry you are trying to sell. Narrowing down your market will allow you to focus on improving your craft and getting to know your customers. Instead of trying to offer wider line of jewelry, try to increase your followers by targeting a specific market and being the best in your chosen niche.

3.    Overpricing

Keeping your prices competitive is important in bringing in more customers for your jewelry store. While you should also note that keeping your price low will not guarantee more customers, it will definitely help to keep your price reasonable. Keep your prices at a range that is affordable for your target market and practical as much as quality is concerned.

4.    Not updating your jewelry display

As a newbie seller, you should also learn early on the value of creating a catchy and impressive jewelry display. However, it is also important to keep it updated regularly, most especially during holidays and special occasions. Your display is your first point of connection with your customers. Failing to catch their attention using your display will cost you a lot of potential clients. Make it a point to update your display and invest in the right display cases for your wholesale jewelry for optimum results.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Jewelry Business Tip: Join Online Community of Sellers and Designers

One major advantage of being online is that it allows you to connect and interact with people no matter where they are. This is especially useful for jewelry sellers who are looking for ways to connect with people who are also passionate about jewelry and fashion.
Image Credit: flickr
If you want to widen your network and establish yourself in the industry, joining online communities, groups or forums can make your dreams more possible. Here you can find tips and tricks on how to create an impressive necklace display for your store or some strategies on how to grow your customers. Still in doubt whether you should join communities for jewelry sellers online?

Here are my top three reasons why you should join Online Community

  • It becomes easier to find mentors and influencers

When you’re just starting with your business, having a mentor is definitely a must. Some online communities serve as a great avenue to let you meet experts and gurus that will greatly influence your life as a retailer or jewelry designer. Make sure to ask for tips especially about creating necklace displays, joining trade shows and finding the right customer for your business.

  • It allows you to share lessons and realizations

As much as you gain valuable information by joining forums and online communities, it is also important to share your two cents worth whenever necessary. This practice allows you to establish your credibility and authority in the world of jewelry business and will enable you to help those in need. Just make sure to be friendly and courteous whenever you share your opinions and suggestions to make sure you won’t appear condescending or all-knowing.

  • It gives you the support you need when things don’t go as planned

There will come a time when things seem to be out of hand and everything looks a bit overwhelming. With all the things are trying to accomplish as a jewelry seller, it’s almost inevitable to experience some bumps along the way.

When this happen, it is important to have some people who can give you the comfort you need and the quickest solution to your problems. Not getting along with your suppliers? Stressed with your staff? Having a support group can definitely help ease out your mind.

What do you think about online communities? Will you consider joining one? Share us your thoughts in the comment section.